Key Features
Chloride-Free: Indicates a safer composition, likely reducing corrosion risk and environmental impact.
Fast Stripping: Optimized to remove chrome plating efficiently, reducing downtime.
Prevents Etching: Formulated to avoid damaging the copper base, essential for maintaining cylinder integrity.
Application : Suitable for the DECHROME process, used in preparing rotogravure cylinders for printing.
Application Instructions
For New Baths:
Mix 15 ml of T-Bright DECRO per liter of the bath solution.
The solution should also contain 30% sulphuric acid by volume, indicating the mixture needs to be acidic for the DECRO to work effectively.
For Existing Baths:
When topping up or maintaining an existing bath, add 1 litre of T-Bright DECRO for every 25 kg of sulphuric acid added to the bath.
This suggests that the balance of DECRO to sulphuric acid is crucial for the effective stripping action and maintenance of the bath's efficacy over time.
Safety and Handling
While not explicitly stated, working with chemicals such as sulphuric acid and specialty additives requires careful handling, appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE), and adherence to safety guidelines to prevent accidents and ensure environmental protection.